Diseases rising in the World - May 2022 Update

Taken from The Guardian Weekly 27th of May 2022:

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, a senior advisor for the World Health Organisation, said that the Monkey Pox could be contained. Public Health Authorities have reported cases in USA, Canada, Australia and nine European countries. It is said that the virus is spreading through sexual contact and case numbers are thought to increase over the summer. 


In Mozambique, a case of wild polio has been found in the Tete province. This is the first case since 1992 and the genetic sequencing of it seems to be similar to a strain Malawi found this year. The continent of Africa was declared free of wild polio in 2020.  (The Guardian Weekly 27th of May 2022).  

 Senegalese Mamou Tiang, who suffers from polio, begs for money outside a bank on a sidewalk in the capital Dakar. Nic Bothma/EPA
