Year 11 Pre- Release Work
Dear Year 11,
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A Waste to Energy Incinerator
Please look at the following videos that summarises the pre-release material.
A video of drone footage of Waterbeach, the village to the SSE (South South East) of the planned incinerator, and surrounding area.
I will also be posting my suggestions for the questions and the answers below.
Mr. B. suggests three potential questions in his video - these are the nine mark long questions:
1) The incineration plant is a sustainable solution for dealing with present and future waste needs. - Discuss this statement referring to figure 3. (9)
2) Using figure 3 and and the waste hierarchy, justify your position on the government's decision to reject the proposed incineration plant. (9)
3) In 2020, the government rejected the proposed incineration plant near Waterbeach. To what extent do you agree with this decision. Use figure 3 in your response. (9)
Would you know how to answer these questions?
Remember try to give a relatively balanced argument.
Remember use the evidence from the paper.
Remember to use the sentence starters
C - Consequently
A - As a result of
T - This means that
T - Therefore